Friday, June 8, 2012

FUNNY Sewing Pattern And Music Misunderstandings

There's a well versed saying that states, "message sent isn't always message received." Such is the case with baby shoes sewing patterns.

Maybe it's me, maybe it was the pattern. I don't even remember where that stupid pattern is now! Probably threw it out.

I was having a BAD day, I remember. And the shoes were NOT coming out right. My older son, who has Bipolar Disorder, came into my sewing room and took one look at the booties and asked nonchalantly, "what are those mom? Elephant shoes?!" He said it sweetly and with great humor. I couldn't get mad at him. It was kinda funny.

I decided to make fun of myself....I am GREAT at self-depreciating humor. I listed those horrible booties (made of expensive fabric....ARG!!) at my Far Out Sprouts shop complete with absurd pricing and listing details!

Here's a little taste of the pictures of that listing......

Remember, these booties actually fit my 10 year old, the one that called them "elephant shoes." That's how BAD they were!

Hey! When life gives you elephants, make elephant shoes!

On an unrelated, but funny note, sometime music gets lost in translation too......particularly when it comes to different cultures and languages. Don't think I'm being racist. I love all races and cultures! My kids happen to be bi-racial. :D

Here are some VERY funny videos of what I am talking about. I try to mix up the blah sewing stuff with things that appeal to everyone. Ha! Your always welcome. :)

Anyone agree with me that the Benny Lava looks like George Michael???!!!

Even if you don't agree that he looks like George Michael, you HAVE to agree that the Indians were making of fun of Michael Jackson in this one.....

There are SOOOOO many more....but I'll leave you with these gems!

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