Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Featured Artist 19th Street Creations

If I ever get a house, or live in a place where two or three family members DON'T have to share a room, I want a swing on a big backyard tree. In fact, I want A LOT of trees! I want to be able to spend all of my spare time outside playing with my pets and kids and admiring my roses. I want to see my future husband mowing the lawn. I want to invite my in laws over to sip tea and eat barb-b-que like they do with me already.
It may seem like a pipe dream, but it helps me get through the day many times.

Here's a swing I would definitely get to put on one of my big trees:
By the time I am able to accomplish this dream, I would easily have the grandkids to use that swing! Can you believe that 19th Street Creations sells that very swing for only $50? It's a wonder how they make any profit! Their prices are so awesome, and that's why they are my featured artist.

When my 10 yr old was born, my then husband's church member gave my son a handmade wooden truck. He was extremely old but smart as a whip and quite talented. I still have that wooden truck. It reminds me of  the truck at 19th Street Creations:

I used to make all sorts of wooden crafts, but the lack of money prevented me from continuing to do so. I think I inherited this talent from my late dad. He was one of the best carpenters ever!

Speaking of which, I am still contemplating who I will get to walk me down the isle at my wedding. Since my dad is no longer alive, and I don't have sons who can do it, I suppose I may put out a Craigslist ad for a 60ish yr old man to do it or maybe I can make baby clothes for an older gentleman and instead of paying me, he could provide his "fatherly services" at my wedding....ha! Seriously, I will probably just walk down the isle by myself. I am used to doing most things in my life all by myself. :)

Check out 19th Street Creations! I simply can't believe their talent and prices!

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