Monday, May 28, 2012

Goodbye Old, Borrowed And Blue!

After my recent engagement to my beloved boyfriend, I decided to change everything about my life for the better.....
I threw out all of the old remnants of bygone lovers' pictures.....their incidental and forgotten belongings that lingered at my apartment like an old smell of garlic and onions or a rotten gym bag....and I did away with my old blog. Good riddance....who needs it when my stalker psycho ex follows it with a criminal passion??!
I discarded many more things that I am sure that I would bore you to tears with if I listed them all. I only kept my cats and my kids. I guess you have to keep some things from your past. :D
I even changed a lot of things about my online baby boutique, where I make handmade and custom baby items. It's called Far Out Sprouts. I decided to make a more clean, streamlined clothing line whereby I would make handmade, computerized images on my computer and transfer them onto my silkscreen printing machine. (I'll teach you how to do that later!)
I cleared my home office of all the unnecessary junk and partial, unwanted sewing patterns....bon vi-age!
Then I went to work on this blog....that has frustrated me more than I feared. For reasons that even God probably can explain, the blog header or title image did NOT want to appear on my blog despite saying it should and has downloaded. Thus, I must be content to admire it sadly below, as the sky outside rips it's innards and spews it bowels upon the earth; a much needed end to the horrid Texas drought!

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